360 Broad Street
Hartford, Connecticut, 06105-3795
November 1, 2024
Dear Friends of the Connecticut National Guard Foundation, Inc,
This has been a year of excitement as the Connecticut National Guard Foundation, Inc (CTNGFI), celebrates our twenty-first anniversary! As we reflect on twenty-one years of service, we are grateful for the enduring support of generous people like you who have made a profound difference in the lives of our service members and their families. We celebrate the remarkable achievements made possible by the collective generosity and commitment of donors, partners, and friends like you who play a critical role in addressing the pressing needs of our service members, and supporting our initiatives and programs.
As we embrace our history, we also cast our gaze forward with a renewed sense of purpose and ambition for meeting our service members and family’s needs. Today I ask you to again join us in making a lasting impact by supporting our work and contributing what you can.
Your gift will make a positive and practical difference in lifting up service members and their families, who are suffering. Your gift to our general fund will be used to help support our members suffering with such needs as weekly care and emergency relief, food assistance, rent or mortgage payments, utilities, home health care, medical expenses and funeral expenses.
I’m not entirely sure why, but this year we have seen a marked increase in assistance requests. To date, we have awarded $75,000 in assistance grants, with two months remaining in the year. Additionally, we have awarded $24,500 in post-secondary scholarships. I fully expect this increasing trend to continue.
The past few years, the Connecticut National Guard saw fewer numbers of servicemembers deployed, but this is about to change. Over the next two years, more than 1,000 servicemembers are expected to deploy. They will be supporting missions in such countries and locations as the Middle East and Europe.
Past experience has shown us that many of our deployed servicemembers and their families struggle financially during these deployments. With deployments on the rise, we fear this demand for help, will not only continue, but will increase. We need your help.
Yes, it is truly amazing the difference you can make today. By reaching out with your charitable donation, you will be supporting our mission of providing financial hands-on solutions to our struggling service members and their families.
But direct financial assistance is not all that your donation will support. Operation ELF, Adopt-a-Military Family, Breakfast with the Easter Bunny, and Post Secondary Scholarships are also funded by your generous donations. These vital programs provide relief and happiness to military families who may be struggling with the pain of deployment separation, loss of employment and income, or how to pay for the escalating costs of higher education.
Your donation, no matter how large or small, could be the lifeline to our military families and service members who have no where else to turn. Please make this special difference – a life-sustaining difference for many – by sending your contribution today to the Connecticut National Guard Foundation, Inc.
In order for us to assist these families, we need your help. Our hope is to continue to support our Guard family as long as the need exists, but we cannot do it alone. We need your help. Contributions can be made by check, credit card, PayPal, and now Venmo. You can donate by check or credit card, by using the enclosed reply card and envelope, or for PayPal by going to our website at and clicking on the “how to help tab” and then the donate button. To donate by Venmo use our account name: @ctngfi. If you are using Venmo, please be sure to provide your name, address and/or email and cell number for proper acknowledgement of your donation.
This is the season for giving thanks ... and in that spirit, thank you for all you do for our Foundation. Please send your most generous gift today.
Christopher Mackenzie
Chief Warrant Officer Four (Retired)
P.S. If you are age 701/2 or older, have you considered making a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from your IRA to the Foundation? For those over 72, such gifts may be counted toward your Required Minimum Distribution for the year. Please also consider including the Connecticut National Guard Foundation, Inc. in your estate plans. Your legacy gift can create a lasting impact and contribute to the long-term well-being of our foundation.
*Before making any estate plans always consult a qualified financial advisor or planner to discuss your particular situation, needs and goals.